Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My Class Experience

3rd Post

After struggling with my math class early in the semester and needing a way out, this class came to my rescue. I needed a class to take that I would enjoy and also be able to effectively learn something new. This class was great! I definitely enjoyed this class a lot.

We had a lot of tough assignments that I didn't know if I would be able to do, but I did. It was a challenging course but it was never too challenging. I think the blogger assignment was my favorite because it was the last thing standing in between me and Christmas break, and because it was the most simplistic assignment we had. Not to say I didn't enjoy everything we did and I learned in the class but this was my favorite.

I want to give a big thanks to my teacher and also anyone else that helped me through this class and made it so great! I will make sure to recommend this class to incoming students in the future!

Blogger Experience

2nd Post

My senior year of high school my english class used a blog website that I cannot recall the name of. Therefore I have used blogs before to communicate with others. It was a little different than this site though. It had availability of a "chat" group that all the members of the blog could use much like Facebook. Overall, it was pretty much the same experience with both systems. I enjoy blogging because it is a very simple and effective way to communicate with others.

SAE Spring Rush 2013

1st Post

The brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon would like to invite everyone out to rush week. A week full of fun and excitement for all! It will be starting on Sunday the 13th of January and will run through the 17th of January. Hopefully we will see all of you guys out to the house located at 410 Rose Lane on the University of Kentucky's campus. Anyone interested needs to visit the link provided below and register for rush. You do this by clicking the "recruitment" tab and click "register for recruitment". Everyone get ready for a great week!

The Sigma Alpha Epsilon flag